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History primary source analysis essay example

History primary source analysis essay example

history primary source analysis essay example

CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF Primary Source Analysis Internal and External Environmental Analysis for the Bakery Business Liberalization of foreign investment and technology policy of the government is supportive of establishing industrial units in the country 2/7/ · Paper Type: Analysis. Pages: 5 ( words) Download Paper: Views: The French Revolution. The “Parisian Riots on 14th July ” is a historical account of the events that took place one day before and during that fateful day when protesters took over the Bastille (Principal Dates and Timeline of the French Revolution, ) 1/25/ · Primary Source Analysis: Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points The source is a speech delivered by Woodrow Wilson on January 8th ; the speech was delivered among Woodrow’s fellow congressmen in the American congress

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Book: To Live. However, history primary source analysis essay example, the speech was not written purely by Wilson, During World War I, Walter Lippmann became an adviser to President Woodrow Wilson and assisted in the drafting of the speech.

To achieve this Wilson supported the League of Nations which was set up following the end of war. The speech therefore was not focused purely for American congress, but instead the International stage. However, Wilson was fully aware that his speech would become part of public knowledge; the speech would not only be listened to in America, but also those countries affected by WW1. The fourteen points eventually established the League of Nations; therefore this suggests that the audience of the speech was to the international arena.

Wilson recognised that there was opposition within congress towards a supranational organisation; therefore he aimed to persuade the congress the advantages of such organisation. This is shown later on when the USA under Harding did not join the League of Nations.

This is different to how countries, including the USA normally ran as they were more interested in their own achievements rather than the world arena collectively. It is also important to put emphasis on the fact that the USA were the ones hoping for a peaceful agreement, the USA, the superpower still had the ability to weaken other countries and remain strong, however due to the dependency on trade, agreements had to be made.

In relation to the present the speech was given on January 8thhistory primary source analysis essay example is 11 months before the official end to the First World War in November, history primary source analysis essay example. In relation to the time it is evident that the USA were optimistic for a possibility of a peaceful ending to the war, it could also suggest that countries were growing tired and were desperate to resolve issues.

Even despite the tough aims the speech to me does not come across passionate, instead quite candid overall. The first paragraph history primary source analysis essay example the source is effective in defining the source as a whole.

However, this can be questioned as the first paragraph also suggests a self-centred approach taken by Wilson. It reflects a world view and hierarchy, suggesting one big American alliance rather than an idea of international cooperation. In point six of the speech when dealing with Russia it talks of securing the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world.

Wilson was careful in how he achieved peace, as he wanted to maintain relationships with countries within Europe, history primary source analysis essay example, whilst keeping USA dominance ad not upsetting France and Clemenceau who wanted harsh treatment of Germany.

It helps lay down the foundations of the League of Nations which was later created. It also emphasises the impact that alliances had on international relations, it highlights that alliances were a main cause, and removing such secret cooperation would help to make the world a safer place. The source however, is written to protect American interests; it is different to that of Frances or Britain for example.

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How to analyse a historical source

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Primary Source Analysis Example | FreebookSummary

history primary source analysis essay example

1/25/ · Primary Source Analysis: Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points The source is a speech delivered by Woodrow Wilson on January 8th ; the speech was delivered among Woodrow’s fellow congressmen in the American congress Summary. "Primary Sources Analysis: American Revolution" paper examines Thomas Paine's seventy nine paged pamphlet, “Common Sense” in to inspire and stir up the American people to oppose the British rule and have their own independent state. Paine 6/19/ · Examples Of Overhead Statement Example: [c. Guidelines for the Primary Source Analysis. How To Write An Essay Outline Examples Essay About Sir Arthur Conan Doyle After selecting rich and meaningful primary sources, I teach students to analyze these texts in order for them to elicit meaning and draw thoughtful conclusions

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