Essay On Rising Cost Of Tuition. For the past few decades, college expenses have been rising at a rate of roughly 7% each year since the 's, which is almost three times the rate of inflation. Since , the overall consumer price index has risen % 9/6/ · Public education is funded by taxpayers and free college means higher taxes. With college tuition being so-called “free” it will attract students who are unfit for the college environment and will eventually drop out which means taxes will go up for taxpayers whether they have kids attending college or 4/19/ · Thesis: Cost of college tuition should be drastically lowered each year based on academic performance for students who are financially in need. “The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people, and must be
College Tuition Free Essay Example
There are many careers, in which a college education is not technically necessary, that can often be just as or even more successful. With the cost of college tuition increasing with every passing year, college tuition essay, the controversy of whether college is really worth college tuition essay cost and burden is growing too, college tuition essay.
If our society wants to continue displaying a college education as somewhat of a necessity for success, I believe the cost of it should shift to being a more realistic price, suitable for the majority of students striving to go to college. Economic research concludes that more students would gain from college rather than opting out from it, and choosing a different route. From to debt at graduation … increased an average rate of six percent each year. For non-residents that price is more than doubled that of a resident student.
This figure excludes room and board: one must eat and sleep college tuition essay she is in college or not. A lot of scholarships also do not benefit students as a whole and either target minorities, athletes, college tuition essay, or financial aid students. Community college is also a viable option for many, but is often looked down upon.
Not only do students and their families look down upon going to a community college, but teachers as well think lesser of community colleges and often express their opinions out loud. This makes students look at community colleges as less of a viable option and more of a last option. When applying for jobs, it also looks a lot more prestigious when it is shown that one attended a university rather than a community college.
Although most colleges may not consider ways to lower the costs of college, there are many ways in which a lower tuition and overall price is possible.
Many college educators do not actually deserve the amount of money they make. College tuition essay should receive a salary that accurately reflects how affective the professor is at teaching. College fees also include unnecessary additions that are not required and could easily be taken off, such as gym memberships, college tuition essay, recreation center memberships, and other additional bonuses that are not essential. If the amount of money for scholarships went back into the school directly, the cost of tuition would decrease, and the need for those said scholarships would decrease as well.
It is apparent that student athletes are held to a higher regard than other students. This is not fair in any way; the elimination or decrease of athletic scholarships given out would eliminate the inequality commonly displayed throughout colleges. College tuition is at an outrageous high right now and is not showing many signs of decreasing. The costs of college and sending a student off to college have become much of a burden for many families across America.
With how necessary getting a college education is considered, college tuition essay, the cost of it all should shift to a more suitable price.
The shift would be very difficult to achieve, and would be a very long process, but I do believe it is possible, not only for my generation, but the next several generations of students on the path to attend college. Greenstone, Michael, and Adam Looney. The Hamilton Project, 05 Oct. University of Oregon, n. Oregon State University, n.
The Project on Student Debt, College Tuition. Accessed April 24, College Tuition Categories: College Tuition Community College Education. Download paper. Essay, Pages 5 words. Get a verified writer to help you with College Tuition. Top Writers.
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Is Free College As Good As It Sounds?
, time: 5:43The Concept of Free Tuition: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

4/19/ · Thesis: Cost of college tuition should be drastically lowered each year based on academic performance for students who are financially in need. “The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people, and must be 9/6/ · Public education is funded by taxpayers and free college means higher taxes. With college tuition being so-called “free” it will attract students who are unfit for the college environment and will eventually drop out which means taxes will go up for taxpayers whether they have kids attending college or 11/7/ · Persuasive Essay On Tuition In College Words | 4 Pages. prepare for college. To prepare us for a thirteen thousand dollar yearly tuition not including books, housing, and transportation. Do colleges assume that our parents are going to fund on average, fifty-two thousand dollars as a basic tuition just so we can attend college?
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