American University Journey. A college is not only supposed to educate students but also to teach them to think independently. Thus, one of my greatest hopes is that I will be truly an independent thinker by the time I graduate from American University College Essay: My Journey To College Personal Essay: My Journey As A College Student. I am very excited to begin my journey as a college student. I live Personal Narrative Essay: My Journey To Graduate College. Looking out into the crowd, I saw my Narrative Essay. The goal of the narrative paper was to create a compelling story of our personal experiences being a part of a group, or longing to be in a group. This assignment was basically a story (hence the title narrative essay). For this assignment Liz gave me an A. She actually said it was one of the best ones that she read
Essay about My Journey to College - Words
The goal of the narrative paper was to create a compelling story of our personal experiences being a part of a group, or longing to be in a group. This assignment was basically a story hence the title narrative essay. For this assignment Liz gave me an A. She actually said it was one of the best ones that she read. I found that the most important thing for this paper was to RELATE TO THE AUDIENCE.
This would be the first year I would have to brave the halls alone, as all of my friends had completely different classes than I did.
The strike of a lighter had my head snap over to my mom as she lit up a cigarette. Glaring, at her I rolled down my window and stuck my face out, letting the cool autumn air hit my face, college journey essay. Red, orange, and yellow blurred together as each tree top blended into the next. As I watched the trees zoom past, two dark figures caught my attention. They were walking along the side walk dressed from head to toe in black clothing and chains, a stark difference from the bright colors behind them.
I guessed my mom noticed me staring at them because she made a sound of disapproval. She was everything the two figures were not. We pulled into the parking lot and found a free parking space. I said a small thank you to my mom and exited the car, college journey essay. Now standing outside I felt completely exposed, the brick building that stretched to the sky, towered over my small figure. Menacingly large doors that locked with the school bell to ensure the safety of a secure school.
However, the locks implied the confinement of a prison more than anything else. After taking a slow calming breath I shuffled through the doors, my sneakers squeaked when they hit the white tiled floor. The entrance of the school led to the college journey essay, which was just a large room filled with mismatched chairs and tables.
Rainbow ribbons covered the ceiling, supposedly to show our school support for diversity, but really they were there to act as sound absorbers. Everyone always thought the ribbons were ugly, though not as ugly as the student painted mural on the far wall. I wove my way through the crowds of people, everyone bumping and shoving into one another trying to reunite with friends, college journey essay. Obnoxious laughter could be heard echoing throughout the hallways as the charismatic girls tried to capture the attention of the attractive boys who lingered nearby, college journey essay.
Trying to find my classroom, college journey essay, and eager to get the school year over college journey essay, I pushed through the groups that refused to budge and eventually reached the end of the hallway. I peeked into my homeroom and a girl from my elementary school caught my eye. She had long straight brown hair pulled down to try and cover her ears that were slightly too big for her head.
Her name was Rachel, our parents worked together so we had been forced together during certain social events. I walked up to her and gave her a shy hello. She smiled back and cleared her stuff off of the desk next to her so I could sit down. The desk was too short and I smacked my knee off of it causing all of the heads in the room turn and look at me.
I cast my head down in embarrassment and stared at the fake wooden desk top. Her pile of books caught my eye, it had a bright purple novel sticking out from the rest; a vampire novel.
Her grin grew college journey essay as she nodded, college journey essay. Taking in the dark colors and coffins I grimaced. Unoffended she tilted her head back and laughed. Besides, sometimes the things that you like the most, end up being the ones you never thought to try. Hours passed, and I headed into the lunch room. Not seeing any of my friends, I walked over to an empty table and opened my lunchbox.
Tugging at the hem of my shirt gave me something to occupy my time as I picked at my lunch. Embarrassed by sitting alone I kept my head down and pulled my long blonde hair around my face to act as a wavy curtain so I could hide the blush that was creeping from my college journey essay to my ears.
No one was looking at me, but the fact that no one even bothered to take notice of me was more embarrassing college journey essay sitting alone.
Halfway through my sandwich I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Looking up I saw Rachel standing next to me with an empathetic smile on her face. My face grew hotter as I nodded and collected my lunch. I followed her across the rowdy lunch room watching out for unidentified spills on the floor. We stopped at one of the longest tables, college journey essay.
Usually they were occupied by the athletic or more popular kids as they needed the space. Most of them were dressed in all black with frightening t-shirts covered in monsters for bands that College journey essay never college journey essay of.
They looked like the kids that I had seen earlier that morning. My fear of them was outweighed by the embarrassment of sitting alone.
Cautiously, I sat at the end of the table next to Rachel and scanned over everyone. No one seemed to take notice of me and I was glad for that. One girl in particular caught my attention, her name was Anne.
She was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt, which was odd because even though we had been closing in college journey essay the autumn months it was still too warm to wear anything longer than a short sleeved shirt. As she reached across the table to poke her friend, the sleeve rode up and I noticed the puffy pink flesh on her wrist. I gasped and cast my head down once more. Picking at the chipped tabletop, I waited a few minutes before daring to look up once more, college journey essay.
She was smiling and laughing at something this girl, Nadia, said. Nadia was large for a college journey essay grader, college journey essay was taller and bigger than everyone else. She had a black t-shirt that read Disturbed that had a really frightening face with a stretched smile and glowing eyes on the front, college journey essay. Her pants were black as well with chains that rattled when she moved.
Black bracelets with spikes lined her arms and she had weird fingerless gloves that covered her hands. Honestly, she was one of the scariest people I had ever met.
They all had a connection and common interests that I failed to understand. Looking down at myself I took in what I was wearing; my ratty soccer shirt, blue jeans, and dirty sneakers made me frown as I scuffed the floor below my feet. I definitely stuck out among these people, and I wanted nothing more than to crawl under a rock and hide. As lunch came to a close I darted out of the room and to my next class, waiting for the day to end.
When I arrived home I meandered back to my room where I dumped my college journey essay on my hardwood floor, college journey essay.
An odd thunk caught my attention. I opened the bag to reveal the book that Rachel had given me. Hesitantly I pulled the book from my bag and sat on the edge of my bed, the Power Puff Girls bedspread from college journey essay childhood wrinkling under the pressure.
I flipped open the hardcover book and ran my fingers over the textured paper. The scent of the book tickled my nose and provided a calming sensation.
Curiously I turned to the first page and began to read. The shadows in my room stretched across my floor and up the walls. My dad brought back a plate of food for me, which soon grew cold as it college journey essay untouched on my side table. Page after page flew by and before I knew it I was flipping the final page and looking for more to read.
Surprised by how much I liked the book I rubbed my eyes and drifted under the covers. Images of vampires and adventures flew through my head that night, something that I had never experienced before. Waking the next morning I was eager to return to school to ask Rachel for the next book and continue on in the story. As I my shoes danced across the tile floors in the school I approached her in the hallway, college journey essay. She was surrounded by everyone from lunch the previous day, they were all leaning up against the maroon lockers and were completely at ease, college journey essay.
I hesitated a step, but continued forward, college journey essay, hoping that they would ignore me when I talked to her. I shuffled up next to her and gave a subtle cough to announce myself. She looked at me with a smile and asked me how the rest of my first day went.
After a few minutes of awkward icebreakers I pulled the book out of my backpack. She smiled and grabbed my hand, tugging me off in a direction away from the group.
Slightly frightened, I looked back at Rachel with wide eyes. However she had already turned back to face the group, and was immersed in conversation. I nodded my head, college journey essay, too afraid to speak. I noticed she had a slight lisp which oddly helped me relax. Charlotte was pretty badass though.
It was covered in scratches, and had a dent at the bottom as though someone had kicked it too many times. She put in her combo and swung the locker open revealing a mountain of books was revealed. She looked at her collection with pride in her eyes, then pulled out what I assumed was the next book in the series I asked for. I took it from her and for the first time gave a confident smile and thanked her.
Together we walked back to the group where we said our goodbyes and went to class. Classes passed by in a blur and lunch rounded the corner once more.
why i'm still in community college at 23 / my college journey
, time: 10:14Narrative Essay | A College Journey

The journey has been eventful, with a variety of challenges, detours and sacrifice. Since enrolling in college, I have learned a lot academically and through various practical experiences in the course of American University Journey. A college is not only supposed to educate students but also to teach them to think independently. Thus, one of my greatest hopes is that I will be truly an independent thinker by the time I graduate from American University 9/20/ · In this essay I intend to talk about my journey to College. Most of the people in family attended College and others didn’t. Those of my family members who attended College are now either Doctors or Nurses and the those of my family members who didn’t attended College are working regular Jobs and struggling to provide for their family and that has Influence me to go to College
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